Rev. 2015 SmadAV 10.2 released
SmadAV Pro 10.2.5 Update fixes a message appears ( 115 ) in the initial run SmadAV : For users of version 10.2 SmadAV who experienced this , silakanmen re-download the installer and update Smadav of web or download here
Rev. 2015 SmadAV 10.2: The addition of a new virus virus database 950, USB and Browser Improving protection, virus cleaning VBS-Houdini, Bundpil, etc.(V10.2.5) Repair message appears (115) in the initial run SmadAV
Rev. 2015 SmadAV 10.1: The addition of virus database 315 and 3992 new virus variants, addition of security features while browsing the Internet, Facebook virus Cleaning-Share, Autoit, etc.
Rev. 2015 SmadAV 10.0: Changes in appearance and language SmadAV 2015, the addition of a new virus database 212, USB flash Completion of immunization method etc.
Rev. 2014 SmadAV 9.9: Improved automatic update Smadav Pro "Installation Not Found", addition of a new virus database 332, addition of virus detection shortcut on USB, Completion blacklist method etc. SmadAV Pro is not original.
Rev. 2014 SmadAV 9.8: Addition of new virus database 651, addition of virus detection techniques shortcut Trasher / Dorkbot and VBS on USB, bug fixes and error detection program, etc.
Rev. 2014 SmadAV 9.7: Addition of new virus database 161, addition of malicious program detection techniques on USB, Completion of the update process SmadAV Pro, etc.
Rev. 2014 SmadAV 9.6: Addition of new virus database 223, the main display changes SmadAV 2014 Completion of the installation process Smadav, addition of virus detection techniques in USB, etc.
SmadAV 2013 Rev. 9.2: Addition of a new virus database 229, Support for Windows 8 (SmadAV can be used in Windows XP / Vista / 7/8), the display changes, etc.
4 main functions SmadAV :
1 ) additional protection for your computer , 100 % compatible with other antivirus
Most antivirus can not be installed alongside other antivirus , it is because the antivirus is designed for primary protection on your computer . In contrast to SmadAV , SmadAV is the type of antivirus in - design as an additional protection, so that 100 % compatible and can work well although there has been another antivirus on your computer, in this case SmadAV serves as a second layer of defense . SmadAV has its own way (behavior, heuristic, and whitelisting ) in detecting and cleaning viruses that will further enhance security on the computer. Because resource usage SmadAV very small, SmadAV will not add to the weight of your computer's performance in its use. So, with a mix between SmadAV and antivirus protection that is installed on your computer will strengthen the defense of your computer from virus infection .
2) Best USB Antivirus (Total Protection USB stick)
USB flash drive is one of the largest media spread of the virus in Indonesia. SmadAV has special technology for total prevention of viruses that spread via USB stick. SmadAV mission is 100% there is no longer a viral infection of the flash. SmadAV have enough signatures virus that infects the flash, and has a special ability to detect new viruses in the flash although not in the database SmadAV. Not only prevention, SmadAV also able to clean up a virus that infects and restore files that are hidden virus in the USB stick
3) Best for offline use (no need to update too frequently)
SmadAV very well be used for computers that are rarely or even not connected to the internet. SmadAV do not need to update as often as other anti-virus that usually do updates per week and even per day. SmadAV usually do updates only once a month (monthly). SmadAV not overly dependent on a signature / virus database, but much depends on the behavior detection techniques, heuristics, and whitelisting.
4 ) Cleaner and tools to clean the virus
SmadAV also able to clean the virus that has infected the computer and repair registry altered by the virus. Other antivirus usually do not perform cleanup registry so the computer has not returned to normal after cleaning the antivirus. Many supporting tools that are included in SmadAV as a weapon for cleaning the virus . Note : Not all types of viruses can be cleaned SmadAV , SmadAV is still not able to clean the virus type or types of rootkits penginfeksi program ( for example : Ramnit virus , Sality , Alman , Virut , etc . ) As this strain is already depleted most of your program files , Our current focus is thoroughly cleaning for the type of virus in addition to the two types ( eg : virus WormShortcut , Cervical , MSO , Brontok , etc.).
What are the advantages compared SmadAV SmadAV Pro Free?
SmadAV Pro has many additional features that do not exist in SmadAV Free , the following are additional features that you would get at SmadAV Pro Online Automatic Updates , Scanning Faster , Exception List , Maximize / Resize , Color Changing Scene , Password Admin , and Profit Use Permit . You must be a member to get SmadAV Pro . Note : SmadAV Free & Pro has the same detection capability . The difference is only in the auto-update feature and other additional features .
by : All of this is taken from the site
Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.2 dirilis
[Sticky] Update Smadav Pro 10.2.5 perbaikan pesan muncul (115) di awal menjalankan Smadav : Bagi pengguna Smadav versi 10.2 yang mengalami hal ini, silakanmen-download ulang installer dan update Smadav dari web atau download di sini
Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.2 : Penambahan database 950 virus virus baru, Penyempurnaan proteksi USB dan Browser, Pembersihan virus VBS-Houdini, Bundpil, dll. (v10.2.5) Perbaikan pesan muncul (115) di awal menjalankan Smadav
Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.1 : Penambahan database 315 virus dan 3992 varian virus baru, Penambahan fitur keamanan saat browsing Internet, Pembersihan virus Facebook-Share, Autoit, dll.
Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.0 : Perubahan tampilan dan bahasa Smadav 2015, Penambahan database 212 virus baru, Penyempurnaan metode pengebalan USB flashdisk dsb.
Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.9 : Perbaikan update otomatis Smadav Pro "Installation Not Found", Penambahan database 332 virus baru, Penambahan deteksi virus shortcut pada USB, Penyempurnaan metode blacklist Smadav Pro tidak orisinil dsb.
Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.8 : Penambahan database 651 virus baru, Penambahan teknik pendeteksian virus shortcut Trasher/Dorkbot dan VBS pada USB, Perbaikan bug program dan kesalahan deteksi, dsb.
Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.7 : Penambahan database 161 virus baru, Penambahan teknik pendeteksian program berbahaya pada USB, Penyempurnaan proses update Smadav Pro, dsb.
Smadav 2014 Rev. 9.6 : Penambahan database 223 virus baru, Perubahan tampilan utama Smadav 2014, Penyempurnaan proses instalasi Smadav, Penambahan teknik pendeteksian virus pada USB, dsb.
Smadav 2013 Rev. 9.2 : Penambahan database 229 virus baru, Support untuk Windows 8 (Smadav dapat digunakan di Windows XP/Vista/7/8), Perubahan tampilan, dsb.
1) Proteksi tambahan untuk komputer Anda, 100% kompatibel dengan antivirus lainnya
Sebagian besar antivirus tidak bisa di-install bersama antivirus lainnya, itu karena antivirus tersebut didesain untuk proteksi utama pada komputer Anda. Berbeda dengan Smadav, Smadav adalah tipe antivirus yang di-desain sebagai proteksi tambahan, sehingga 100% kompatibel dan dapat berjalan dengan baik walaupun sudah ada antivirus lain di komputer Anda, dalam hal ini Smadav berfungsi sebagai lapisan pertahanan kedua. Smadav mempunyai caranya sendiri (behavior, heuristic, dan whitelisting) dalam mendeteksi dan membersihkan virus sehingga akan lebih meningkatkan keamanan di komputer tersebut. Karena penggunaan resource Smadav yang sangat kecil, Smadav tidak akan menambah berat kinerja komputer Anda dalam penggunaannya. Jadi, dengan perpaduan proteksi antara Smadav dan antivirus yang sudah ter-install di komputer Anda akan semakin memperkuat pertahanan komputer Anda dari infeksi virus.
2) Best USB Antivirus (Proteksi Total USB Flashdisk)
USB Flashdisk adalah salah satu media penyebaran virus terbesar di Indonesia. Smadav mempunyai teknologi khusus untuk pencegahan total virus yang menyebar via USB Flashdisk. Misi Smadav adalah 100% tidak ada lagi infeksi virus dari flashdisk. Smadav mempunyai cukup banyak signature virus yang menginfeksi flashdisk, dan mempunyai kemampuan khusus untuk mendeteksi virus baru di flashdisk walaupun belum ada di database Smadav. Tidak hanya pencegahan, Smadav juga mampu membersihkan virus yang menginfeksi dan mengembalikan file yang disembunyikan virus di USB Flashdisk tersebut
3) Best for offline use (tidak perlu update terlalu sering)
Smadav sangat baik digunakan untuk komputer yang jarang atau bahkan tidak terkoneksi ke internet. Smadav tidak perlu melakukan update sesering antivirus lainnya yang biasanya melakukan update per minggu bahkan per hari. Smadav biasanya melakukan update hanya sebulan sekali (monthly). Smadav tidak terlalu tergantung pada signature/database virusnya, tapi lebih bergantung kepada teknik deteksi behavior, heuristic, dan whitelisting.
4) Cleaner dan tools untuk membersihkan virus
Smadav juga mampu membersihkan virus yang sudah menginfeksi komputer dan memperbaiki registry yang diubah oleh virus tersebut. Antivirus lainnya biasanya tidak melakukan pembersihan registry sehingga komputer belum kembali normal setelah dibersihkan antivirus tersebut. Banyak tools pendukung yang disertakan di Smadav sebagai senjata untuk melakukan pembersihan virus. Catatan : Tidak semua tipe virus bisa dibersihkan Smadav, Smadav saat ini masih belum mampu membersihkan tipe virus penginfeksi program atau tipe rootkit (misalnya : virus Ramnit, Sality, Alman, Virut, dll.) karena jenis virus ini sudah merusak sebagian besar file program Anda. Fokus kami saat ini adalah pembersihan tuntas untuk tipe virus selain dua tipe tersebut (misalnya : virus WormShortcut, Serviks, MSO, Brontok, dll.)
Apa kelebihan Smadav Pro dibandingkan Smadav Free?
Smadav Pro mempunyai banyak fitur tambahan yang tidak ada di Smadav Free, berikut ini adalah fitur-fitur tambahan yang akan Anda dapatkan pada Smadav Pro Update Otomatis Online, Scanning Lebih Cepat, Exception List, Maximize/Resize, Mengganti Warna Tema, Password Admin, dan Izin Penggunaan Profit. Anda harus menjadi member untuk mendapatkan Smadav Pro. Catatan : Smadav Free & Pro mempunyai kemampuan deteksi yang sama. Bedanya hanya pada fitur auto-update dan fitur tambahan lainnya.
by : Semua ini di ambil dari situs
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